Who Blocked me On Whatsapp: The world's largest messaging app, Whatsapp offers many good features to its users. One of these features is blocking. Through this, if any user do not want to talk you, then you will not be able to message him.
However, if you have blocked by any user on WhatsApp, there is no way to know this unless the user himself tells you that he has blocked you. But there are some ways that you can guess if a particular user has blocked you or not.
How to find out who Blocked you on WhatsApp: Top 5 Ways
If you believe that a user has blocked you, then you can follow these steps and find out:
First Way: who Blocked you on WhatsApp:
The easiest way is to check that user's last seen or online in the chat window. Although the user can also change this from his privacy settings, but it is an indicator, so that you can get a hint.
Second Way: who Blocked you on WhatsApp:
If you have blocked by a user on Whatsapp, then you will not see that user's profile picture ever changed. You will always see the profile picture that the user has been chatting for the last time. If you do not see the change in profile picture for a long time then it is possible that you have been blocked.
Third Way: who Blocked you on WhatsApp:
If any contact person has blocked you, you will only see a check mark when you send a message to it. This means that the message has been sent from your side but if there is no double check mark on it, then it means that the message has not been delivered.
Fourth Way: who Blocked you on WhatsApp:
If you have blocked a contact, you will not be able to call it via WhatsApp.
Fifth Way: who Blocked you on WhatsApp:
It is possible that due to network problems all these methods are not effective in knowing whether you are block or not. The last and most correct way is to add a contact to a Whatsapp group. If that contact has blocked you, then once you add it, you will get the message 'You are not authorized to add this contact'. If you get such a message, then it is a matter of fact that the contact has blocked you.
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