If you search anything by visiting a web browser on your home, office or friend PC or mobile, then any other person can find your search address. Users feel that after deleting the browser history, nobody will be able to read their web history, whereas this is not exactly the case.
Actually, when you search anything on the browser, it leaves some of its information. This information is stored in the form of cache, cookies, browser extensions and autofill. In such a situation, clearing the browser's history is not enough. We are going to tell you about three easy ways, with the help of which you can search save.
How to Make Secret Internet Browsing: Top 3 Ways
Incognito Mode
If you are working on a home or office system or are searching on a friend's laptop, it would be best if you search your web search in incognito mode. This does not record your search history and the front does not know what you have searched. However, you can still clear your browsing data by going to settings.
Safe Browsing
If you do not want to let the search in your browser be leaked on a phone or PC, then go to your browser settings. Here you will see a privacy option, click on it. After this you will see many options; in these same options you will also see a Safe Browsing option, click on it. Whatever you do now, it will be safe. In the meantime, if clicking on a webpage causes the virus to occur, the browser will let you know about it. Keep in mind that this process is for Chrome browser.
Do Not Track
While searching on a browser, it is important to keep in mind that any browser history can make any excise. So if you want to keep track of your browser history or track record, go to the settings of your browser. Here you will see a Do not Track option, activate it. After this you will search anything on your PC or smartphone's browser, your browser will not save it. That is, if you understand it in easy language, then you will now search anything on your browser, no other person will be able to know it.
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